Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Parents Shouldn't Over Parent Their Kids

Over parenting seems to be the result of professionals who really have good intentions. This is what happens when parents become too protective or too caught up in every little thing their child does. While it may be argued that it's worse to pay too little attention to your child than too much, either one causes problems. You really have to try and figure out if you're over parenting, and here are some tips to help you do that.

The first thing we would like to look at is the tendency of parents to force their children to participate in too many extracurricular activities that go far beyond going to school. This can be anything from team sports to karate to golf lessons. Parents often make this into a competition instead of something to learn. Brawls, fights and shouting matches are very common at children's sporting events, simply because the parents are too competitive for their own good. This becomes an embarrassment, not only for the parents, but for the kids as well. In a way, the parents are trying to live their lives vicariously through their children, instead of actually letting their kids live their own life. 

Activity like this are a great way to help your children grow, so you should leave your fanaticism behind, and allow your children to be kids and participate without worrying about what you are going to do next. The health of your children, and your own health, can be adversely affected by virtue of over parenting on a regular basis. When children are very young, it is normal for them to be the central point of interest in their parent's lives. Parents that go off the deep end may sometimes put their entire life on hold simply because their children are now around. Sometimes parents will identify themselves with their kids, so much so that they will feel valueless without their children in their lives. The best parents set an example for their kids as well as helping them and giving them advice. You can still have your interests, and raise your kids - it's a win-win scenario. This is fantastic for your children, and that they can see how you handle the difficulties and challenges of life every day.

And you have to take a hard look at yourself, and maybe you have issues with seeing your kids struggle, etc.

And don't think your kid is not tough, kids can be very tough are certainly resilient. You may be the one who has to overcome your fears of knowing that life will offer hurts to your kid. When it comes to school, help your child if it's needed but that's it - hands off. The problem of over parenting is fairly recent, and usually occurs in families that are well off or at least comfortable. These aren't parents who are neglectful or abusive, merely misguided. They end up with overly dependent children by providing too much attention, and protection, for their kids when they shouldn't. Like not paying any attention to your kids, this can be a problem for all involved.

Best Parenting Advice

If you really want to improve your parenting skills, get knowledge that's accurate and reliable. Since the 1960s, a lot of research has been going on in this area.

A few good books is all you need as much of this research has been broken down. Consulting with your doctor can also help you in this area. You can make an appointment with an experienced child psychologist and probably get lots of recommendations.

Any parent that has more than one child will experience problem resolution on a regular basis. Kids will argue. That's what they do. And when they do, you need to be authoritative, stepping in to fix the problem. Yelling will never help them solve anything. You need to teach them how to resolve their issues. As long as you have patients, extra time, and the effort to do so, you can give your children valuable lessons that they will always remember. You'll need to keep a cool head and have patience as you rationally help them to work out the dispute. At some point, your children will have a clear idea of what you're trying to teach them. This first hand example that you give them, based on experience, will help them the most. To help them learn what to do, you need to be honest and open with them at all times.

There are different types of parenting personalities identified by research, and it helpful to know what type you are. The only way your contribution will be positive is when you are honest with yourself in a totally real way. Some parents discipline real easily, while others have a hard time, and that is the parenting trait that makes them different. There is a synergistic way that both spouses can work together to produce positive results. People can approach things differently, but that doesn't mean they can't come together as a team and complement each other. Maybe applying discipline is easy for your spouse, but not for you, and maybe there are areas your spouse can't do but you can. How you do this will need to be worked on, but it can benefit everyone when it is worked out.

There are many forms of research into parenting skills, and this experiment really caught my eye. Most of use grew up listening to our parents tell us don't do this or don't do that. Usually, a child will hear only what the parent doesn't want them to. Don't throw the ball in the house; so the child hears, throw the ball in the house. Whatever the parents don't want them to do, kids usually know that it is wrong to do.

The problem is that kids typically don't listen, and that's why the command is sabotaged. You need to be more positive with your kids, a strategy that will tend to make them hear you better. In most cases, if you tell them to simply put the ball down, this will work much better. Over time, you will accumulate massive amounts of information on how to handle parenting successfully. These 3 tips are just a beginning. When you are just beginning to learn about parenting, make it a goal to learn the major concepts first. When a situation arises, you can adapt what you have learned so it is specific to the situation at hand. This, then, is the best way a parent can be prepared. It's better than just facing each situation as it comes up with no advance thought.

Ideas For Parenting

Every kid you have is going to fill you with excitement and be welcomed into your family, but the first comes with a special set of circumstances that can make you feel really anxious. Becoming a parent for the first time is a huge adjustment and can take time to really work. You will have talked to family, friends, and maybe read a few books in preparation. Happily, there is more information that you can possibly process out there to choose from. You'll start out with the basics but keeping up with your parenting education is going to help you stay grounded and confident.

Kids are not the only ones who need an occasional time-out. Lots of adults (particularly parents) need to find their own versions of this, as it can help diffuse many different situations. This is something that everybody understands and you need to find a safe and effective way to do it. Awareness is the name of the game here because you need to understand your circumstances both physically and mentally/emotionally. But never forget that you are the adult and it is important to carry this through as best you can. This is the most positive parenting technique you can you because it is beneficial to you as well as to your children. If you need to take a few minutes, that is what you should do--just let other people know that you do not want to be disturbed. You can even start your time-out by simply walking away from a heated situation for a little while.

Conduct family meetings and address the matters that affect each member of the family. As busy as everybody is these days, it is really common for families to spend less time together than they used to. Any time your family gathers together, it helps build closer ties and bonds which makes the family unit stronger.

There are a lot of children who don't have a lot of family support. There are plenty of things that you can accomplish during these meetings. You want to make sure that each member gets to have a voice to talk about the things that are concerning them. The benefits of this will extend far beyond the walls of your home.

If you want to really learn how to communicate with your kids, then study marketing and advertising from the masters. The majority of parents out there won't do it, but they could learn so much if they did. It's fantastic and valuable though because it will teach you how to effectively communicate with an audience you haven't already met. There isn't any reason though that you cannot apply the same techniques to people you know well, like your kids. Choosing relevant stories is just one method of this; there are others, like playing into the fact that most people do not enjoy being sold to directly. You're not the only person who feels like this; we all feel like this. So try to avoid the hard sells with your kids and actually tell them about the things that will benefit them. 

Parenting demands so much from adults and it requires an extra special effort to use thoughtful approaches with your kids. As long as you're patient and kind, you can help your children develop right next to you, which is what every good parent wants to do. There are many others possible areas where you could stand a little improvement. There are so many sources for researching parenting topics; all you have to do is look around, and you will eventually find tips that can help you improve. Your efforts to be with your children will certainly help them as you gradually improve your parenting skills.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Parenting Skills and The Need for Action

If you have been doing research on the web for parenting advice, then you know how much there is available. Being able to learn from people who have good knowledge to pass around makes it worth while. But just be sure you do the sanity check with anything you read just because it's a good idea. Parenting is tough work, as you well know, and any suggestions you can get at least won't hurt.

You can help your child be clear about discipline by being open with them. There are different ways to approach this including positive reinforcement. Pay close attention to them when you are speaking so you can make sure they understand. The ultimate goal is to change their behavior, and it's your job to do it in a way that causes the least amount of damage to your kid. Showing your kids how to talk to and deal with others in society are important lessons.

One of the problems with kids is they do not have a sense of responsibility, and you can address that at home beginning early with household tasks. What you can do, and there's plenty to choose from, is to do simple things like pick up toys when they're done with them. This is maybe the most likely chore they can do, but maybe when they're older it can move to doing other things around the house. In addition to toys, teach them to pick-up their dirty clothes if they're on the floor in their bedrooms; as you know, these are simple tasks but are simple enough for them to understand and do.

All kids regardless of age need to experience affection from their parents. In past times, there have been experiments in which people (babies) would die from lack of human touch. It's not the most ideal situation when only one parent does this, and kids need to feel this from both parents.

This is something that is so important that you have to take action on it if you tend to not be so demonstrative. Do what is appropriate with teens in terms of what matters with them which is always being cool.

You can safely use these parenting suggestions in this article because they are time-tested and come from research. Aside from that, you have to take them in and make them your own. In time with your efforts you'll see good things start to happen.